Raspberry Pi4-Pi5 release notes (at the bottom some configuration notes)


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-rpi 6.6.35 RT NOHZ realtime patch 28

(As always LTO kernels are available in kernel update)

3) Menu 416

Added new option 20 'NETWORK CARD configuration' in Expert menu
With this script you can set some special network card configuration command(s)

Updated Ravenna installation script because Merging original daemon needs a previous version of libcurl-compat

Added memory size and speed to 'SHOW configuration' in Main menu

Audirvana Studio and Audirvana Origin (beta) integrated in Audiolinux menus

Added this to LMS install option:
'For problems related to the switch from Logitech media server to Lyrion Media server this option could not install a working LMS
Luckily logitechmediaserver-git is working
You can install it with
yay -Sy logitechmediaserver-git --noconfirm
After you should disable logitechmediaserver in Audio menu, since that option will use logitechmediaserver-bin
To enable it at boot you should go to console and type:
sudo systemctl enable --now  logitechmediaserver-git
To disable it:
sudo systemctl disable --now  logitechmediaserver-git
For the moment you will have to enable/disable it manually'


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-rpi 6.6.25 RT LTO NOHZ realtime patch 28

3) Menu 413

This menu will update rtpriority application to version 1.7

Added automatic display of IPV4 address after login

Added 'Note: with some recent updates disabling Journal may cause dbus to stop working'
to Journal option in Expert menu

Added 'If you see errors during update, the reason could be that the script will use the default options (Y or N)
In that case go to console and update core applications and libraries with the command
sudo pacman -Syu
After you can make a full update with this script'
to System update option in Update menu

Added missing sudo to some commands in Ravenna and Diretta scripts
Added options 1.1 BLUETOOTH enable/disable, 1.2 WIFI enable/disable, 1.3 HDMI/VIDEO enable/disable also to Web Interface 2

WiFi script improved and fixed
Now Ethernet connection is not disabled
Remember that you must enable WiFi in Expert menu and reboot before configuring WiFi with the option in System menu

Downgraded curl to version 8.4.0 for compatibility with MPD player

Fixed: installation of Audiolinux RT 16k failed because previous kernel not removed
You should answer Y to remove previous kernel and kernel headers

Updated and improved MPD configuration script
After you must re-configure MPD with the option in Audio menu

Updated camillaDSP to version 2.0.0
Configuration script in Audio_extra menu improved and updated

systemd service ppower set to enabled if disabled
Improved and fixed CPU FREQUENCY SCALING in System menu. Options are now:
     1 Scaling governor
     2 Variable Frequency (governor ondemand)
     3 Fixed Frequency (governor performance)
     4 Overclocking Pi 4
     5 Overclocking Pi 5
     6 Copy default /boot/config.txt Pi 4
     7 Copy default /boot/config.txt Pi 5
     8 EXIT

NEWS option content in Main menu is now downloaded directly from Audiolinux site and is not renewed only at menu update
'Configuration options in this menu could be incompatible with your /boot/config.txt
Please copy default config.txt for PI 5 or Pi4 before using this menu for the first time
You can edit config.txt with the option 16 'OVERLAYS configuration' in System menu'
to 17 'CPU FREQUENCY SCALING (governor, frequency, overclock)'
'Since you cannot assign Audio or Network IRQ to specific cores in Raspberry kernel, you should press ENTER when asked for IRQ isolation
This limitation could change in future kernels'
to 18 'ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration'

Disabled automatic start of Audiolinux menu
New kernel 6.6.6 16k RT LTO with 1666 frequency available for Pi 5
Improved kernel update script

Corrected wrong display of Bluetooth and WiFi status
Added option for copying back default Audiolinux /boot/config.txt in System menu -> 16 'OVERLAYS configuration'


1) Menu 402

Critical fix: kernel update script not setting the correct drive UUID installing new kernel (only new installations)
9 'DIRETTA target installation' in Audio extra menu will install the new diretta-alsa-target-16k package if kernel is Audiolinux RT 16k
Downgrade of some applications removed if hqplayer-network-audio-daemon is installed


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-rpi 6.1.64 RT LTO

3) Menu 400

Added option for installation of kernels
Audiolinux RT 16k (only Pi 5)
Audiolinux RT LTO 16k (only Pi 5)
in kernel update script
These kernels are very up-to-date: version 6.6.6

Improved option  17 'CPU FREQUENCY SCALING' in System menu
Added overclocking for Pi 5

Added rng-tools random number generation package and removed haveged

Improved menu on Web Interface 2 now is very similar to Audiolinux classic menu
Added a complete Status menu
You must have the last version 1.19.0 of script-server, that should be installed automatically during menu update

General reorganization of Audiolinux scripts

Added 2 'KERNEL cmdline add/remove parameters' to Expert menu
With this option you can add or remove kernel parameters
Please use it with caution and possibly backup your system
Note that some kernel parameters in Audiolinux should not be added, since some options are set on-the-fly by menu options
This include for example isolated cores.
If in doubt, contact support
A complete list of available parameters can be found here:
The new configuration will be applied after a reboot

Added KERNEL CMDLINE PARAMETERS to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)
Added HARDWARE CLOCK status to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)
Added KERNEL CONFIG PARAMETRS to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)

Fixed linux journal enabling/disabling in the Expert menu option and in profiles menu

Option 1 'REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration' (Expert menu) moved to 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' (System menu)
Previous option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme' removed

Added y/n choice to system update

This option allows you to compare different system configurations so you can choose the one you consider the best
AUTO profile is auto-generated by the choices you have made with Audiolinux menus
DEFAULT is the original Audiolinux configuration
To compare 2 different configurations:
1) Select 'Copy Auto to a custom profile' and give it a name (possibly without spaces)
2) Change configuration using Audiolinux menus and select 'Copy Auto to a custom profile' using a different name
3) Switch from one to the other using 'Apply profile'

Fixed display of USB audio card irq in isolated core script

Slightly modified option '6 RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation' in Audio Extra menu

New Audiolinux configuration in /etc/sysctl.d/

Corrected typo in Diretta target option (Audio extra menu)

Menu update will check if some Audiolinux services are missing or have been updated

Added some special parameters on kernel command line when isolated cores is enabled

Changed default audiolinux user umask to 022 (corresponding to chmod 755 for folders and 644 for files)

Removed option 15 'ETHERNET speed limit' in Expert menu since the option has been added to 11 'NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS)' (System menu)

Added option for IRQ balancer

The isolated cores script has been improved!
Is now possible to define 1, 2 or more groups of isolated cores. For each you can define the assigned application(s) or irq(s)
The previous Expert menu option 13 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application' has been integrated in 18 'ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration'
The configuration file is /opt/configuration/isolated.conf
Your previous settings will be saved in /opt/configuration/isolated.conf.bak
Isolated cores option in System menu does not change IRQ realtime priority any more
Isolated cores and audio realtime priority are now completely independent
Display of Isolated cores status has been improved both in 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu) and 9 'ISOLATED CORES' (Status menu)

Fix to PLAY FROM RAM (Audio extra menu) not using the defined music folder after a reboot
Removed 'Clean installation' before before using 8 'COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive' (System menu)


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt 6.1.46

3) Menu 315

Added IPV6 DNS servers to System menu -> 11 NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS) -> 5 DNS (Google, automatic, custom)
Corrected wrong display of available network interfaces
Fixed option to set network interface in AES67 script
Added option 21 'DELAY audio service' in Expert menu. This option will apply a delay to the starting of an audio service
It can be useful if you have multiple services enabled and one of these should wait the starting of another one
Normally this is controlled by the systemd service itself, but in specific configurations a delay can be necessary
New support email is now support@audio-linux.com
Now you must give root password only one time in System update script
WiFi and Network scripts in System menu now show actual gateway and already active ip addresses
Improved Isolated cores options
Improved realtime priority options
Web interface 2: added missing 'DIRETTA alsa enable/disable' and updated 'APPLICATION install/update' options


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt 6.1.34 (the same kernel compiled with clang/LTO full as in Audiolinux V3 is available for installation with the option in Update menu)

3) Menu 313
Improved option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme' in System menu
This option will calculate automatically audio irq related to a connected USB DAC only (xhci)
A more complete configuration can be made in Expert menu ->  1 REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration

Profile menu (Main menu) is temporarily disabled

Removed option CPU frequency in Status menu since is included in 7 'CPU load, frequency etc.'
Improved script for 6 'RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation' in Audio extra menu
Added network irq to 9 'AUDIO IRQ monitor' (Status menu)
AUDIO CARD status can now display correctly the status of Diretta alsa remote DAC
Updated audio application lists
Added mounted remote drives to System status (menu 2) and 11 'HARD DISK status' (menu 1)
Added option 19 'DIRETTA alsa enable/disable' to Audio menu
Added a check for clang llvm lld installation (important if you are installing Diretta or other kernel modules)

In the option 8 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to application' (Expert menu) is now possible to assign Network IRQ to isolated cores
A complete status of IRQ assignment is displayed in 10 ISOLATED CORES (Status menu)

Updated /etc/makepkg.conf configuration file
Added KERNEL TIMER FREQUENCY to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)
PROFILES MENU: Fixed Custom2 and Custom3 profiles not applied correctly

All the scripts for isolated cores have been improved and changed substantially
Isolated cores (Expert menu): reset now restore correctly the previous configuration applied with the System menu option
Isolated cores: configuration will not change after next menu updates
Because of this, if you have enabled isolated cores, you should reconfigure it

Some improvements to system update and application update scripts
Improved system update script will always update cpuset-git

Fixed option FORMAT extra drive in Web Interface 2
Added Roonbridge logs to 12 'SUPPORT logs' (Main menu)
In the option 5 'MOUNT/UMOUNT remote drive' (System menu) device timeout and mount timeout increased to 60s

Added list of USB devices with names to 1 'AUDIO CARD status' option in Status menu
This way you can check if your DAC is sharing USB with other devices

Fixed and improved output of 6 'CLEAN system' in System menu

New rtpriority 1.3 released
Improved option 1 REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration in Expert menu is offering 2 options for selecting IRQ with realtime priority:
1 - Automatic -> recommended, this will give priority only to USB bus where the card is connected, after giving the 'address' selected from a list (iSerial). This way with the new rtpriority 1.3 you can be sure that only the IRQ related to your DAC are selected, even if they are changing after a reboot
2 - Manual -> possible values: irq, list of irqs, xhci, ehci, snd
You should reconfigure realtime priority after this update selecting the option in System menu or the more complete one in Expert menu

Added option 18 'USB enable/disable device' to Expert menu

ONLY ON AUDIOLINUX: CPU scaling is now using proprietary application ppower_rpi
New script will offer these options:
     1 Scaling governor
     2 Fixed Frequency
     3 Overclocking
Option 16 'BOOT mode to Extreme, Extreme2 or Standard' is now integrated with CPU scaling


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt 6.1.15 LTO

3) Menu 311
Ramroot configuration script will not reinstall the package any more
Option HQPlayer input not available on Raspberry because of missing aarch64 hqp-control2


1) Full system update with more than 122 packages updated

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.15.84-rt55-1 - Available also the same kernel compiled with LTO as the new V3 kernels for the other versions of Audiolinux

3) Menu 310:

Added new option for DNS in Network configuration (System menu)
With the new CPU governor option in System menu is possible to set all available governes. Note however that the default Audiolinux boot/config.txt will set a fixed frequency and this configuration may have no effect
Improved system update script
Improved 8 COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive in System menu
Both scripts are now using growpart and growpartfs to extend the Audiolinux partition
Added DNS option (Google, automatic, custom) to Network configuration in System menu
Added new options to remote cifs/samba mount script in System menu You can mount the remote folder with 2 configurations: 1 - Access only with user and group audiolinux (default)
2 - Access enabled for all
Added libid3tag, libao, libmad and opusfile installation to record script in Audio extra menu
New ramroot configuration script will reinstall, disable ramroot and set boot default to yes before setting RAM and ZRAM values
Option 1 SHOW audio services in Audio menu now show real owner (root, audiolinux, etc.) of the running application
Improved support script
Fix to option 5 HQPLAYER streaming input enable/disable hanging when displaying final status. Improved scripts fo HQPlayer input and added corresponding option to Web Interface 2
Updated mount scripts in System menu can now umount drives even if the mount points have not been added to /etc/fstab
New MPD user service mpd.service instead of my-mpd.service Changed location and name of MPD configuration file from /home/audiolinux/.mpdconf to /home/audiolinux/.mpd/mpd.conf If you are using MPD you should stop and restart it
CamillaDSP configuration script fixed and improved
Added option 19 NETWORK/USB power saving that will consent to disable power saving on specified devices This is important if you cannot reach any more Audiolinux PC after some time or if some audio applications need network or USB always on to function properly


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.15.72-rt51-1

3) Menu 300:

Added option to remove previous mounted drives in MOUNT local drive and MOUNT remote drive in System menu
Added MEMORY BY APPLICATION in Status menu -> RAM memory
Updated option REALTIME tests in Status menu
Added System max priority to REALTIME status in Status menu
Improved display of isolated cores status
Isolated cores application list updated
Changed silence... volume from 0.01% to 0.00005% in record script (Audio Extra menu)

Some changes on the Status menu: option AUDIO IRQ monitor will display all audio IRQ. If some number is changing during play the IRQ of the corresponding line should be the right one to configure with the option in Expert menu -> REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration -> 4) Configure IRQ priority
The default value is xhci that will assign realtime priority to all USB 3.0 ports
This configuration is not necessary if your DAC is the only USB device connected

Audiolinux realtime priority system switched to the proprietary application rtpriority!
rtirq will be removed
New configuration files are in /etc/rtpriority
You should exit from menu after update, restart it and reconfigure realtime priority with the options in System menu or Expert menu
Now is possible to give priority to the specific IRQ of your audio card instead of giving priority to all USB devices or internal cards For this you should go to Expert menu -> REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration -> 4) Configure IRQ priority
Profile script updated to new cpu scaling configuration and new realtime priority method

Installing audio applications in Update mneu will clean cache also
Web Interface 2 script-server updated to 1.18.0
Added options TIMEZONE and KEYBOARD to Main menu
Changed systemd configuration to avoid Sleep/Hibernation
NTFS driver updated to ntfs3 by Paragon in local mount script

Added option FILE EDITOR local/remote to System menu
This option will configure Midnight Commander Editor with the left section displaying local files and the right section remote files of a computer in your network
The remote PC must have sftp enabled
This is useful if you want to to copy, move or delete files in headless version of Audiolinux

File /etc/makepkg.conf configured for using all available cores during compression
Copy/Backup option in System menu now supports SD cards


1) Full system update

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.15.56-rt48-1

3) Menu 223:

Digital volume set automatically to 100% selecting Audio menu
Added available updates option in UPDATE section of Web Interface 2
Added available kernel update in both Web interfaces
Removed static card indexing on MPD and Squeezelite configuration
Added option 4 HQPLAYER root enable/disable for compatibility with HQPlayer dongle
Option 12 SUPPORT logs in Main menu will now display a download link
Added option 8 DOWNLOAD and INSTALL Audiolinux to another drive to system menu
This option will download and install Audiolinux to another drive (clean installation)
If you want instead to install the current running installation to another disk, you should select the option COPY/BACKUP
Fix to systemd speedlimit service starting before network is established
Added options for DSD to Squeezelite configuration (Audio menu)
Updated Web Interface 2 menu. Now options are displayed in the same order as in Web Interface 1


1) Full system update with more than 140 packages updated

2) New custom kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.15.44-rt46-2

3) Menu 222:

Added new Audio extra menu with new items and moved some options from Expert and Audio menu:
1 CD rip
2 CONVERT/UPSAMPLE audio files to DSD or PCM
3 RECORD playing audio (from streaming or file)
4 ALSA system wide configuration
5 RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation
6 CAMILLADSP installation (TESTING)
7 DIRETTA host installation
8 PLAY FROM RAM load music to RAM
9 PLAY FROM RAM configuration
Added option 0 MAIN MENU to all sub-menu and removed button Cancel, Now you can exit from menu selecting 13 EXIT on Main menu
Improved menu system avoiding loops
Added option 12 SUPPORT logs to Main Menu.This option will save Audiolinux journal, dmesg, HQPlayer log files and Audiolinux system status for support
More complete CPU load option using htop
Added new option MAC spoofing to Expert menu. Sometime, if you have installed 2 Audiolinux computers connected to a router on the same network, only one could be available because they could have the same MAC address. With this script you can change the MAC of one of the two computers
Added hostname to system status and network status
Added new option 7 COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive in System menu
Added available updates to Install/Update menu
Added 2 new options in Expert menu:
9 LINUX JOURNAL enable/disable
10 LINUX WATCHDOG enable/disable
You could disable Journal and Watchdog if you want to improve performance and you plan to leave your system running for a long time
You will see however some false errors at boot
WEB INTERFACE 1 will now use Wetty (much better than shellinabox)


Menu 219
Critical fix: ramroot enabled but not active after a reboot

Added DIRETTA option for setting Ethernet interface instead of edit option for compatibility with Web Interface 2


1) Full system update

2) New kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.10.52-6-rt47 (LTS)

3) Menu 214 with

Added options for RECORD and DIRETTA in Web Interface 2

System is ready to install DIRETTA alsa kernel driver and daemon in the next weeks
If you want to install it now, please contact support
For more information: https://www.diretta.link/

Added new option 11 RECORD playing audio (from streaming or file)
This new script will record the audio output, whether the source is from a local file or from internet
The audio application output must be set to Loopback device 0, for example Loopback,DEV=0

Added extreme2 boot option. You should have a very good cooling system if you select this option

Fixed MPD configuration script in Web Interface 2
Ramroot configuration script now set boot default to yes if ramroot enabled (it could change to no after a package update)
Added WiFi speed in Network status
Added folder /opt/configuration/scriptserver where you can add your custom items for Web Interface 2. These files will be copied back to /opt/script-server/conf/runners/ in case of a menu update
Simplified display of isolated cores status
Since cpuset is no more available, cpusset-git has been installed (isolated cores)


1) Full system update

2) New kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.10.52-6-rt47 (LTS)

3) Menu 209 with
Fix to update menu script
Fix to update kernel script
Added the option 15 OVERLAYS edit in EXPERT menu. You can edit directly the file /boot/config.txt or add overlay from a list
Now MPD and Squeezelite configuration scripts will set DAC number. After a reboot the number will not change.


1) Full system update

2) Menu 205 with

Various internal improvements and fixes

Added new Audiolinux repository to pacman.conf

Camilla DSP! New options:
In Expert menu 'CAMILLADSP installation'. This script will install and configure Camilla DSP - a flexible linux IIR and FIR engine for crossovers, room correction etc
In Audio menu added 'CAMILLADSP start and enable' and 'CAMILLADSP GUI start and enable'
You can access Camilla DSP configuration at ipaddress:5002

New Audio conversion script in Expert menu:
1) SET your music directory
2) SET DSD sampling frequency
3) SET PCM sampling frequency
4) CONVERT PCM flac/wav/mp3 to DSD dsf
5) CONVERT DSD dff to DSD dsf
6) CONVERT DSD dff/dsf to PCM flac
7) UPSAMPLE/CONVERT PCM flac/wav/mp3 to PCM flac
8) UPSAMPLE/CONVERT DSD dff/dsf to DSD dsf
9) SET DSD extra conversion parameters (for experts)
10) SET PCM extra conversion parameters (for experts)
11) View, copy, move, delete your music files

AUDIOLINUX ACCURATE CD RIP script with the following options:
1) Find the offset of your CD player
2) Set your music directory
3) RIP to flac
4) Edit configuration (templates etc.)

Improved MUSIC2RAM script: now show available memory and added music folders after adding files to RAM. Fixed bug in reboot restore.
General cleaning of scripts
Improved squeezelite configuration script now using the form hw:x,x for audio card

NEW! UPnP server - configuration at ipaddress:9790

Added hqplayerd to rtapp list of applications

Added option for hqplayerd start in Web Interface 2


1) New Audiolinux OS 64 bit with custom realtime kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.10.25-1-rt35

Now you can use the full memory of 8GB with ramroot.

2) Menu 200 with the possibility to install hqplayer-embedded


1) Full system update

2) New realtime kernel linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.10.25-1-rt35

3) menu 113 with

Forced update to ramroot version 2.0.1-2

Fix to Shairport-sync installation

Fix to spotify installation script in Update menu. spotifyd-slim now substituted by spotifyd


1) Full system update

2) menu 111 with

Updated list of audio applications with high priority if running (rtapp)

Fix to MPD configuration script. Now you should give the full path of your music directory

Message if the user start menu as root user (You should not do that...)

Improved remote mount script. Now it will display the content of /etc/fstab and you can select the option "Umount it and delete the corresponding line in /etc/fstab" if you have made a mistake. Fix to NTFS mount

Added application install and remove in WEB Interface 2 at ipaddress:5001

Fix to Network speedlimit script. Added option to reduce speed to 10 Mb/s


1) Full system update

2) Kernel updated to linux-raspberry4-rt version 5.4.69-1-rt39 (custom kernel only for Audiolinux)

3) Menu 109 with

New option 1 "REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration" configuration" in EXPERT menu. This is a great news, since now you can set priority for IRQ, APPLICATION and NETWORK and see a summary with 0 "SHOW configuration" in main menu. This script is available only on Audiolinux and is using proprietary code.

ISOLATE CORES option 16 "ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration" completely changed. Now you can isolate and... de-isolate CPU cores without changing kernel line and reboot. The effects are immediate!

7 "ISOLATED CORES Assign core to application" in expert menu also changed with the new isolated cores configuration. Applications can use different cores and configured without restarting. An application is checking the isolation status periodically and will make the necessary changes.

Improved 0 "SHOW configuration" in main menu now show also which applications are running in which core.

Added buffer option to 9 "SQUEEZELITE select DAC and buffer" in audio menu

Now in Web Interface at ipaddres:5001 the various menus are in different folders. A lot more easy to use!

Many other little changes and fixes and a general cleaning of scripts removing duplicates.

Simplified Realtime Priority summary on SHOW configuration and some other minor fixes

Main menu will try only 2 times to download new version number to avoid too long waiting time if Internet connection is down or slow. Menu update script will download menu file only if necessary

Since the package spotifyd-bin is no more available, it has been replaced by spotifyd-slim

Now after installing this package and logitechmediaserver-git all packages needed only for compilation are removed, to save disk space

Profile scripts updated to the new options


1) New Web Interface at ipaddress:5001

2) Full system update


1) Full system update

2) Many fixes to menu

3) Ready to use with Pimoroni Heatsink and Fan Shim. To enable the service: sudo systemctl enable fanshim and reboot


Realtime kernel Raspberry 4.19.71-1-rt24-ARCH

Very good CPU latency with a variation in test of only 5us max, 2us avg!

[root@raspberry audiolinux]# cyclictest  -l 10000 -m -Sp98 -i100 -d0
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 3.72 1.93 0.76 1/166 15651         

T: 0 (15648) P:98 I:100 C:  10000 Min:      4 Act:    4 Avg:    4 Max:      14
T: 1 (15649) P:98 I:100 C:   9725 Min:      4 Act:    6 Avg:    4 Max:      10
T: 2 (15650) P:98 I:100 C:   9463 Min:      4 Act:    4 Avg:    4 Max:       9
T: 3 (15651) P:98 I:100 C:   9150 Min:      4 Act:    5 Avg:    4 Max:      10

Ramroot possible with 4GB model


         0 "PROFILES menu"
         1 "AUDIO menu"
         2 "SYSTEM menu"
         3 "STATUS menu"
         4 "INSTALL/UPDATE menu"
         5 "EXPERT menu"
         6 "Show configuration"
         7 "Console mode"
         8 "SAVE System (if in ram mode)"
         9 "Poweroff"
         10 "Reboot"


         1 "FILE EDITOR"
         2 "FILE EDITOR root"
         3 "MOUNT local drive"
         4 "MOUNT remote drive"     
         5 "CLEAN system"
         6 "RESIZE AL partition (if in ram mode)"
         7 "FORMAT extra drive"
         8 "NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP)"
         9 "WiFi"
         10 "REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme"      
         11 "RAMROOT enable/disable (reboot after)"
         12 "RAMROOT configuration"
         13 "BOOT mode to Extreme, Standard or Custom"
         14 "OVERLAYS configuration"
         15 "CPU SPEED to performance or ondemand"
         16 "ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration"
         17 "SAVE System (if in ram mode)"


         1 "SHOW audio services"
         2 "STOP and disable all running audio services"
         3 "HQPLAYER start and enable (not available)"
         4 "ROONSERVER start and enable (not available)"
         5 "ROONBRIDGE start and enable"
         6 "NAA start and enable"
         7 "AIRPLAY start and enable"
         8 "SQUEEZELITE select DAC"
         9 "SQUEEZELITE start and enable"
         10 "LMS start and enable"
         11 "MPD select DAC, music directory and buffer"
         12 "MPD start and enable"
         13 "MPD UPnP start and enable"
         14 "SPOTIFY start and enable"
         15 "SAVE System (if in ram mode)"


         1 "Install/Update Roonbridge"
         2 "Install/Update HQPlayer embedded (not available)"
         3 "Install/Update NAA"
         4 "Update kernel (for expert users)"
         5 "System update (for expert users)"
         6 "Update audiolinux menu"
         7 "Install/Update MPD"
         8 "Install/Update UPnP for MPD"
         9 "Install/Update Logitech Media Server"
         10 "Install/Update Squeezelite"
         11 "Install/Update Spotify"
         12 "Install/Update Shairport-sync"
         13 "Remove installed audio applications"
         14 "SAVE System (if in ram mode)"


         1 "Assign a specific isolated core to audio applications"
         2 "REALTIME EXPERT CONFIGURATION enable/disable"
         3 "REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT enable/disable"
         4 "ETHERNET speed limit"
         5 "WEB INTERFACE enable/disable"
         6 "ALSA system wide configuration"
         7 "SAMBA SERVER enable/disable"
         8 "SAMBA SERVER add share"
         9 "ENABLE/DISABLE bluetooth"
         10 "ENABLE/DISABLE WiFi"
         11 "SAVE System (if in ram mode)"


         1 "Green"
         2 "Orange (default)"
         3 "Red"
         4 "Auto (generated by menus)"
         5 "Copy Auto to Custom"
         6 "Custom1"
         7 "Custom2"
         8 "Custom3"

Example configuration:


# RTMANUAL: realtime manual assignment        "1" enabled, "0" disabled
# RTEXPERT: realtime expert configuration     "1" enabled, "0" disabled
# PRIORITY: realtime priority             "standard", "extreme"
# CPUSPEED: CPU frequency             "performance", "ondemand" not available in realtime kernel
# BOOT: boot mode                   "standard", "extreme", "custom"
# If you have configured boot mode with "SET CPU C-states" in Expert menu, set this to an empty value
# ISOLATED: isolate a set of cores               "0" disabled, <core number> (first is 0, not available) or an interval of cores
# For example 1-2 will isolate core 1,2 / 1-3 wil isolate core 1,2,3 / 2 will isolate only core 2
# If enabled, all audio services will be disabled and hyper-threading disabled even if set to 1 (enabled) on this configuration file
# You can re-enable your audio services after reboot
# ISOLATEDIRQ: isolate audio irqs                "1" enabled, "0" disabled
# This will disable C-state configuration in expert menu
# SAMBA: samba server                 "1" enabled, "0" disabled

# IMPORTANT: if value is empty your configuration will not be changed.
# This is useful if you have applied some special configuration, for example if you have activated C-state in expert menu
# Example: BOOT=""


For CM4 computing module, you should add the line
For Holo Audio RED, add also

For Allo DigiOne, you should add the line
to /boot/config.txt

For Metrum Ambre, you should add the line

to /boot/config.txt

For Allo boss, you should add the line

to /boot/config.txt

For I2S DAC (this configuration was tested on a rpi3/Sllo isolator/Kali reclocker/Soekris 1121 DAC)

For disabling LEDs


For a full list of Raspberry options: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/config-txt/overclocking.md