Audiolinux V3 lxqt release notes

Version 8.1.0

1) Full system update

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.10.2 LTO

3) Menu 737

Improved Diretta memory play script 10 'DIRETTA memory play' (Audio extra menu)
Now is possible to select Diretta Target and use the seek option

In 8 'COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive' (System menu) added a check that /mnt directory is not already mounted to some drive and will copy files only if the target destination drive is really mounted

Menu update will not change the list of applications with realtime priority used by rtapp and saved to /etc/rtpriority/rtapp.conf

In the option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' -> 4) Configure IRQ priority you can add video card to the list of devices with realtime priority
This is not generally recommended, but you could try it if you are using for example NVIDIA Cuda for HQPlayer

Improved Ravenna audio over IP configuration
Added 4) Recommended system settings to 6 'RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation' (Audio extra menu) with the following content:
0) If you have 2 Ethernet outputs, go to System menu ->  'NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS)', enable bridge and conenct one output to router and the other directly to Ravenna DAC
1) Disable rtapp and rtirqs in System menu -> 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration'
2) If you have 2 Ethernet ports and the Ravenna DAC is connected DIRECTLY to one, you could enable rtnet in System menu -> 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' with a priority of 90
3) Disable Ethernet card Power saving in Expert menu -> 'NETWORK/USB power saving'
4) Activate Merging configuration in Expert menu -> 'NETWORK CARD configuration' taking off # in front of the corresponding lines
5) Examples of NADAC configuration with ravenna-alsa daemon can be found here:
6) Merging documentation:

Added Roon library and settings periodic backup to 9 'ROONSERVER backup' (audio menu):
1 - Select backup directory and default activation time
2 - Backup now
3 - Enable/disable periodic backup
4 - Restore
5 - Exit

Now is possible to set ENERGY value for intel pstate driver in 17 'CPU FREQUENCY SCALING (driver, governor, frequency, turbo)'

Added options
10 'DIRETTA memory play'
11 'DIRETTA memory play configuration'
to Audio extra menu
These options will install and configure Diretta Memory Player
While Diretta Host is sending your music to a virtual card, Diretta Memory Player will load your music files to RAM and send them to Diretta Target without using Alsa on the host
This approach could improve the audio quality but you will not be able to use your preferred player (including upsampling, convolution etc.) and the selection of files to be played it's not so easy
In alternative you can control Memory Player on Audiolinux with the Windows Memory Play Controller that you can download from Diretta site
Enabling Memory Player will disable automatically Diretta Host
Please be sure that Diretta target is running on your endpoint PC

Options for disabling Linux journal and watchdog temporarily removed in Expert menu
They could break systemd and d-bus with last systemd and kernel version

Version 8.0.0

1) Full system update

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.9.7

3) Menu 726

Added new option 20 'NETWORK CARD configuration' in Expert menu
With this script you can set some special network card configuration command(s)

Since LMS is not working anymore the package logitechmediaserver-git has been changed to logitechmediaserver-bin
If you are using LMS you should install the new package with the option in Install menu
Previous logitechmediaserver-git is not removed. If all is working fine you can remove it with the command
sudo pacman -R logitechmediaserver-git

Updated Ravenna installation script because Merging original daemon needs a previous version of libcurl-compat

Modified links for manual custom kernel installation

Improved custom kernel script

Version 7.9.0

1) Full system update

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.8.5

3) Menu 717

Modified recommendations when starting Audiolinux for the first time (Main menu and Help option in Web Interface 2):
1) Update this menu in INSTALL/UPDATE menu
2) Select 'CPU ucode and scaling driver to AMD/Intel' in EXPERT menu
3) Install kernel optimized for your CPU (only Audiolinux V3/V4)
4) Install your preferred applications in INSTALL/UPDATE menu (only Audiolinux headless)
5) Enable your audio service in AUDIO menu

Improved kernel custom script with the following new options:
6 - Upgrade system to V4
7 - Last kernel V4 2000 Hz
8 - Select kernel V4 from a list
9 - Manual kernel compilation V4 (long)
At this time pre-compiled V4 kernels are available for GENERIC SKYLAKEX TIGERLAKE ZEN4 ROCKETLAKE
You will need a new password for accessing these options

The Audirvana and Ravenna options in Audio menu will now enable/disable automatically the necessary avahi-daemon

Audirvana Studio and Audirvana Origin integrated in Audiolinux menus

Added memory size and speed to 'SHOW configuration' in Main menu

Added automatic display of IPV4 address after login

Added 'Note: with some recent updates disabling Journal may cause dbus to stop working'
to Journal option in Expert menu

Added 'If you see errors during update, the reason could be that the script will use the default options (Y or N)
In that case go to console and update core applications and libraries with the command
sudo pacman -Syu
After you can make a full update with this script'
to System update option in Update menu

Updated 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' in System menu
Now is possible to type xhci or snd (for internal cards) if you choose to set a generic device for irq priority
This menu will also update rtpriority application to version 1.7
With this new version you can set irq priority for more than one card even if you don't set a generic device

Updated SHOW configuration in Main menu to display x86_64_v4

From now on the 1000 Hz kernel will be replaced by LTS (1000 Hz) Long Time Support kernel

Kernel installation and ucode scripts will now remove creation of fallback initramfs image, since Audiolinux image is already configured to include all drivers

WiFi configuration script does not remove previous Ethernet configuration any more

The option 12 'CPU ucode and scaling driver to AMD/Intel' will update Audiolinux kernel configuration following Archlinux 'mkinitcpio hook migration and early microcode':

Added 'If you are having problems running Roon you should disable rtapp with the option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' (System menu), disable isolated cores if enabled and reboot' to Roonserver enable/disable option in Audio menu
The update will also set ownership of /var/roon to root user and delete custom /etc/systemd/system/roonserver.service if it exists
Removed previous Roon test script

Version 7.8.0

1) Full system update with more than 330 packages updated

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.7.8

3) Menu 700

Option for Roon installation in Update menu modified for new roonserver version >= 2.0.1365-2

With the last version of Isolated cores script is possible to specify Ethernet interface for irq isolation (for example enp4s0. eno1, etc.)
These new options for Ethernet and Video are still experimental

In Isolated cores script now you can type network to isolate your Ethernet card irq to a specific group
This configuration will work even if Ethernet irq is changing after a reboot
In Isolated cores script now you can type video to isolate your video card irq to a specific group
Be sure that you have only one card active. If for example you have a nvidia card but also a CPU integrated card, you should disable one of them in BIOS

Updated option 6 'HQPLAYER Multicore/Cuda/E-cores/nblocks configuration' in Audio menu
You can now configure E-cores and the nblocks parameter for some Intel CPUs

Added a custom option to Web Interface 2 that will only start/stop isolated cores for applications and disable autostart at boot
Added the same option in Expert menu of Web Interface 1

Updated kernel custom script for the new 2000 Hz kernel

'Note: with some recent updates disabling Journal may cause dbus to stop working'
to Journal option in Expert menu

'If you see errors during update, the reason could be that the script will use the default options (Y or N)
In that case go to console and update core applications and libraries with the command
sudo pacman -Syu
After you can make a full update with this script'
to System update option in Update menu

Added 'Edit configuration' to Diretta Host and Target options in Audio Extra menu

Added missing sudo to some commands in Ravenna and Diretta scripts

Updated license verification

Version 7.7.0

1) Full system update

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.6.9

3) Menu 689

HQPlayer input option in Audio menu now is working also if HQPlayer is started as root

Updated and improved MPD configuration script

Updated camillaDSP to version 2.0.0
Configuration script in Audio_extra menu improved and updated

NEWS option content in Main menu is now downloaded directly from Audiolinux site and is not renewed only at menu update

In some network configurations the systemd service systemd-networkd-wait-online will fail or finish too late
As a consequence some systemd services depending on it like roonserver will not start or will start very late
This problem is fixed adding a timeout of 10s to systemd-networkd-wait-online

Fixed option 0.1 SHOW audio services in Audio menu (Web Interface 2)
Fix to special updates script (last version of hqplayer_input.service not copied)

Improved menu on Web Interface 2 now is very similar to Audiolinux classic menu
Added a complete Status menu
Changed kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us value to -1 in kernel sysctl configuration
General reorganization of Audiolinux scripts

Added 2 'KERNEL cmdline add/remove parameters' to Expert menu
With this option you can add or remove kernel parameters
Please use it with caution and possibly backup your system
Note that some kernel parameters in Audiolinux should not be added, since some options are set on-the-fly by menu options
This include isolated cores, c-states, hyper-threading, mitigations etc.
If in doubt, contact support
A complete list of available parameters can be found here:
The new configuration will be applied after a reboot

Updated and improved  5 'HQPLAYER streaming input enable/disable' (Audio menu)
With HQPLayer input you can send audio to HQPlayer from all audio and video players (including Spotify) not supporting UPnP or HQPlayer integration (as Roon or LMS)
This version supports frequency auto-switching!
Only if the source sampling frequency is different from the previous one or you are playing the first audio file you can expect to wait around 10s for switching to the right frequency
If the sampling rate is different you must stop previous song before playing the new one

Audiolinux Classic: fixed system update option in kernel update script
Added KERNEL CMDLINE PARAMETERS to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)

Fixed linux journal enabling/disabling in the Expert menu option and in profiles menu

Option 1 'REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration' (Expert menu) moved to 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY configuration' (System menu)
Previous option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme' removed
Added HARDWARE CLOCK status to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)
Little fix to isolated cores kernel cmdline parameters
Added y/n choice to system update

This option allows you to compare different system configurations so you can choose the one you consider the best
AUTO profile is auto-generated by the choices you have made with Audiolinux menus
DEFAULT is the original Audiolinux configuration
To compare 2 different configurations:
1) Select 'Copy Auto to a custom profile' and give it a name (possibly without spaces)
2) Change configuration using Audiolinux menus and select 'Copy Auto to a custom profile' using a different name
3) Switch from one to the other using 'Apply profile'

Some fixes and improvements for AMD frequency scaling

Fixed display of USB audio card irq in isolated core script

CRITICAL fix: hyper-threading not disabled after a reboot
Fixed display of isolated irq

NEW AUDIOLINUX CONFIGURATION with extra kernel cmdline parameters in /boot/loader/entries/audiolinux.conf

Slightly modified option '6 RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation' in Audio Expert menu
Updated aes67-linux-daemon package

NEW AUDIOLINUX CONFIGURATION in /etc/modprobe.d/, /etc/udev/rules.d/ and /etc/sysctl.d/

Corrected typo in Diretta target option (Audio extra menu)

Removed some unused files

Menu update will check if some Audiolinux services are missing or have been updated
Added some special parameters on kernel command line when isolated cores is enabled

Version 7.6.1

1) Full system update

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.6.1

3) OS rebuild on 100% Archlinux base

4) Fixed compatibility with HQPlayer Desktop and Google Chrome

5) Improved boot time

6) Menu 650

Added Diretta Target installation and configuration in Audio Extra menu!
Finally you can use it on your endpoint with all the options of an Audiolinux system.
It will work for 6 min. without license
You can buy the third party license with the link given in the menu option 

Version 7.6.0

1) Full system update with more than 250  packages updated

2) Kernel  linux-audiolinux-rt version 6.6.0

3) Menu 649

Fixed some permissions in scripts folder

Added syncAlsaSingle and syncAlsa Diretta daemons to the list of applications that can have a realtime priority and that can be isolated

Isolated cores option in System menu does not change IRQ realtime priority any more
Isolated cores and audio realtime priority are now completely independent

Fix to 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme' (System menu) not saving audio card IRQ to /etc/rtpriority/rtirqs.conf

Changed default audiolinux user umask to 022 (corresponding to chmod 755 for folders and 644 for files)

Removed option 15 'ETHERNET speed limit' in Expert menu since the option has been added to 11 'NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS)' (System menu)
Audiolinux V3: Added option for IRQ balancer and UKSMD userspace KSM helper daemon (KSM is a memory-saving de-duplication feature)

The isolated cores script has been improved!
Is now possible to define 1, 2 or more groups of isolated cores. For each you can define the assigned application(s) or irq(s)
The previous Expert menu option 13 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application' has been integrated in 18 'ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration'
The configuration file is /opt/configuration/isolated.conf
Your previous settings will be saved in /opt/configuration/isolated.conf.bak
Also the display of Isolated cores status has been improved both in 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu) and 9 'ISOLATED CORES' (Status menu)
Profiles configuration has been changed with the ISOLATED variable with options 1 enabled, 0 disabled

Fix to PLAY FROM RAM (Audio extra menu) not using the defined music folder after a reboot

Removed 'Clean installation' before before using 8 'COPY/BACKUP current installation to another drive' (System menu)
Audiolinux V3: changed uksmd-git to uksmd (Userspace KSM helper daemon)

Corrected wrong display of kernel updates

Fixed running network configuration and added ipv6 address to 11 'NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS)' in System menu

SHOW configuration (Main Menu) now displays all supported CPU Architectures
Fix to HQPlayer Desktop installation

This kernel is compiled with CLANG/LTO full and all Audiolinux patches
Added roonserver, linux-audiolinux-rt, linux-audiolinux-rt-headers to the list of packeages 'on hold'. These packages should be installed only with the options in Update menu

Added IPV6 DNS servers to System menu -> 11 NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS) -> 5 DNS (Google, automatic, custom)

Fixed makepkg.conf for Audiolinux V3 headless

Version 7.5.0

1) Full system update with more than 210  packages updated

2) Kernel  6.5.1-2-audiolinux-rt

3) Fixed NoMachine configuration

3) Menu 632
Added IPV6 DNS servers to System menu -> 11 NETWORK configuration (Bridge, DHCP, Static IP, DNS) -> 5 DNS (Google, automatic, custom)
Fixed makepkg.conf for Audiolinux V3 headless
Audiolinux V3: Added RAPTORLAKE and METEORLAKE to the list of available optimized kernels compiled with CLANG/LTO full
Audiolinux email address updated to
Custom kernel script will delete previous /tmp/custom_kernel directory before downloading a new kernel
Corrected an error in retrieving network configuration (network script in System menu) when subnet mask is not 24
Corrected wrong display of available network interfaces
Fixed option to set network interface in AES67 script
Added option 21 'DELAY audio service' in Expert menu. This option will apply a delay to the starting of an audio service. It can be useful if you have multiple services enabled and one of these should wait the starting of another one. Normally this is controlled by the systemd service itself, but in specific configurations a delay can be necessary

Version 7.4.0

1) Full system update with many packages updated

2) Kernel 6.3.9-2-cachyos-rt

3) Menu 619

Forced installation of featherpad-qt5 editor (to avoid segmentation fault)
Now you must give root password only one time in System update script
Fixed: Roon user was changing to user roon even if you have installed it as user root after a system update
WiFi and Network scripts in System menu now show actual gateway and already active ip addresses
With the new modified option 'UPDATE Archlinux/V3 servers' (Update menu) you can update and edit server list
Added new configuration options for amd_pstate-epp in scaling driver script (System menu -> CPU FREQUENCY SCALING)
Downgraded wetty to version 2.5 because of an upstream bug
Fixed permissions for script-server (Web interface 2)
Added previous kernel to the list of available updates
Fix to 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application' (Expert menu) not assigning correctly irqs to isolated core groups
Updated rtpriority application to version 1.4
Audiolinux V3: Improved and simplified kernel custom installation script
Changed the method by which System Architecture is displayed
HQPlayer installation script updated
Fix to kernel custom script not removing previous kernel
Audiolinux V3: kernel custom script updated for supporting the next audiolinux-rt version 6.4.0 V3 kernel
nfs-utils installed, missing in Audiolinux V3
Web interface 2: added missing 'DIRETTA alsa enable/disable' and updated 'REALTIME Priority to standard or extreme' and 'APPLICATION install/update' options
system update and special updates scripts modified for the new versions of script-server (Web Interface 1 and 2)
Audiolinux V3: Added option 'Last kernel 1000' in 3 'INSTALL/UPDATE CPU optimized v3 LTO kernel P' option (Update menu) if your system has problems with kernel compiled with a timer frequency of 1666 Hz
Fixed option 6 'HQPLAYER Multicore/Cuda configuration' if you are using hqplayer as root
Improved option 13 'REALTIME PRIORITY to standard or extreme' in System menu
This option will calculate automatically audio irq related to a connected USB DAC only (xhci)
A more complete configuration can be made in Expert menu ->  1 REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration
Removed option CPU frequency in Status menu since is included in 7 'CPU load, frequency etc.'
Fixed displaying of IRQ affinity list in Status menu -> 10 'ISOLATED CORES'Menu 599
Code optimization for isolated cores scripts
Now confguration is stored in /opt/configuration/isolated.conf
Improved isolated cores option in Status menu
Isolated cores (System menu): fix to incorrect list of not isolated cores  
Isolated cores (Expert menu): reset now restore correctly the previous configuration applied with the System menu option
Isolated cores: configuration will not change after next menu updates
Improved script for 6 'RAVENNA/AES67 audio over IP installation' in Audio extra menu
Updated aes67 packages
Now ou can install Roon with 2 configurations:
USER roon
You cannot mount shares from Roon control point, you should instead first mount your music folder (local or remote) with the options in System menu and you should choose that local folder in Roon configuration
To backup/restore your library you should use the option Roon backup in Audio menu
Stability and security could be improved
USER root
You can mount shares from Roon control point
You can backup/restore your library from Roon control point
Added network irq to 9 'AUDIO IRQ monitor' (status menu)
AUDIO CARD status can now display correctly the status of Diretta alsa remote DAC
Updated audio application lists
Added mounted remote drives to System status (menu 2) and 12 'HARD DISK status' (menu 1)
Added option 19 'DIRETTA alsa enable/disable' to Audio menu
Added kernel compilation method to Available updates in Update menu etc.
Added a check for ca-certificates installation
Updated /etc/makepkg.conf and /etc/pacman.conf configuration files
Added a check for clang llvm lld installation (important if you are installing Diretta, nvidia or other kernel modules)
In the option 13 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application' is possible to assign Network IRQ to isolated cores
Option 18 'ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration' (System menu) now remove all non audio related IRQ from isolated cores
A complete status of IRQ assignment is displayed in 10 ISOLATED CORES (Status menu)
Audiolinux V3: Some upstream repositories have been changed
Fix for cpuset-git error (which was preventing the correct working of isolated cores). A reboot is necessary.
Removed 2 'REALTIME EXPERT CONFIGURATION enable/disable' since now is covered by other options
AudiolinuxV3: added  2 'EDIT sysctl configuration (Audiolinux V3 only)' to Expert (classic) menu
AudiolinuxV3: removed systemd service optimize-interruptfreq.service because in Audiolinux there is an identical service named rtc_frequency.service
AudiolinuxV3: removed /etc/security/limits.d/99-realtime.conf already covered by /etc/security/limits.d/99-realtime-privileges.conf from package realtime-privileges
Added KERNEL TIMER FREQUENCY to 0 'SHOW configuration' (Main menu)
PROFILES MENU: Fixed Custom2 and Custom3 profiles not applied correctly
Corrected wrong display of physical/virtual cores in hyper-threading option (Expert menu)
All the scripts for isolated cores have been improved and changed substantially.
As a consequence, also the scripts for boot mode and frequency scaling had to be changed
The new system solves also the problem that with some CPU, after disabling hyper-threading, core numbers are not in sequence, preventing proper functioning of core isolation

Version 7.3.0

1) Full system update with about 450 packages updated

2) Kernel 6.3.1-1-cachyos-rt

3) Menu 570

Fix to 18 'ISOLATED CPU CORES configuration' option not assigning isolated cores to 'user' group
Improved system update script will always update cpuset-git and will not downgrade some packages each time if hqplayer is installed
Added option to choose manually CPU architecture of custom kernel

Some improvements to system update and application update scripts

Some updates for new HQPlayer 5.x
If you want to go back to previous versions
For HQPlayer Desktop:
yay -Sy hqplayer4 --noconfirm
For all other packages: contact support

Added development packages to system update
Installation option for HQPlayer Desktop will install last version 5.x
Added hqplayer5desktop to the list of audio applications in rtpriority

Added pre-compiled optimized kernel for Intel RAPTORLAKE and AMD ZEN4
This specific kernel is compiled with gcc not with LTO/clang
It will be updated to LTO when the new clang version will be available

Audiolinux V3: removed warning about kernel 6.3.x for Diretta users.
Problem fixed with new driver and daemon 2023.05.02

Updated scripts for switching to x86_64_v3 architecture
Option 3 'INSTALL/UPDATE CPU optimized v3 LTO kernel P' now allow to reinstall previous kernel.

Fix to special update script not applying some changes after menu update

For compatibility with HQPlayer Desktop version the qt6 libraries are downgraded to version 5.4.3

Fixed option FORMAT extra drive in Web Interface 2

Added roonbridge logs to 12 'SUPPORT logs' (Main menu)

Fixed bug in option 1 'REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT' (Expert menu) not assigning the right IRQ if Automatic option is selected

In the option 5 'MOUNT/UMOUNT remote drive' (System menu) increased device timeout to 60s and also added mount timeout option of 60s

Improved display of USB status (including now drive manufacturer) in 20 'USB/PCI enable/disable device', 1 'AUDIO CARD status' and  13 'CPU ISOLATED CORES Assign core to irq or application'

Added BROADWELL micro-architecture to the list of available optimized kernels in Audiolinux V3

Added list of USB devices with names to 1 'AUDIO CARD status' option in Status menu
This way you can check if your DAC is sharing USB with other devices

Fixed and improved 1 'AUDIO CARD status' option in Status menu
Fixed and improved output of 6 'CLEAN system' in System menu

New rtpriority 1.3 released
Improved option 1 REALTIME MANUAL ASSIGNMENT configuration in Expert menu now is offering 2 options for selecting IRQ with realtime priority:
1 - Automatic -> recommended, this will give priority only to USB bus where the card is connected, after giving the 'address' selected from a list (iSerial). This way with the new rtpriority 1.3 you can be sure that only the IRQ related to your DAC are selected, even if they are changing after a reboot
2 - Manual -> possible values: irq, list of irqs, xhci, ehci, snd

Improved option 19 NETWORK/USB power saving now is using product identity to avoid address change after a are reboot
Temporarily disabled reflector option in Update menu -> 20 UPDATE Archlinux/V3 servers because of upstream bug

New improved option 20 USB/PCI enable/disable device (testing) now will allow to disable also PCI devices.
This is a powerful option to disable some hardware device if BIOS will not allow it
Use it with caution since a bad choice could make the system unbootable!

Added option Update V3 servers  to 20 UPDATE Archlinux/V3 servers
This option will update V3 servers and choose the fastest ones

Added option 20 USB enable/disable specific device to Expert menu

removed udev ZRAM rule for some incompatibility with ramroot

Version 7.2.0

1) Full system update

2) Kernel 6.2.2-1-cachyos-rt compiled with clang and LTO full and many patches including extra audiolinux patches

3) Menu 538

libbf library added in case of custom kernel compilation

Fixed shortcuts on Desktop

Fixed color in conky monitor

Removed zram swap for possible incompatibility with ramroot

Available kernel update script now displays updates for user specific architecture

Corrected some typos

Corrected wrong options order in Audio menu

Ramroot configuration script will not reinstall the package any more

Added community-v3 repository to /etc/pacman.conf